The fifth generation Samsung Galaxy Flip 5 phone has a big 3.4-inches cover display. In the previous model, it was only 1.9 inches. Though the Galaxy Flip 5 has a big cover display, it supports only a few apps, such as the Camera, Messages, Google Maps, etc. But, there is a workaround to run almost any app on the cover display of Galaxy Flip 5.

Since the Galaxy Flip 5 outer display is big enough (3.4 inches) to show most of the content, running your favorite apps on it will be very convenient as you will not need to open the flip phone to access the app. With the help of Samsung Good Lock, you can use the full potential of your Samsung Galaxy Flip 5 phone cover screen.

Samsung Galaxy Flip 5

ALSO READ: How to Run Any App on Cover Display of Oppo Find N2 Flip

Samsung lets you run a few apps, such as Google Messages, Samsung Messages, WhatsApp, YouTube, Netflix, and Google Maps, on the outer display of the Galaxy Flip 5 phone. You can enable these apps by going to the Labs setting.

But with the help of the Good Lock module Multistar, you can run almost all apps on the cover display of Galaxy Flip 5. Here is how it is.

How to Run any App on Outer Display of Galaxy Z Flip 5?

1. First, install the Good Lock from the Samsung Galaxy Store (link).

2. After installing Good Lock, the app will show you a list of downloadable modules, such as Home Up, LockStar, MultiStar, etc.

3. Install the MultiStar module and open it.

4. Tap the I (heart) Galaxy Foldable button, and on the next screen, tap the Launcher Widget option.

5. Now, select the apps you want to open on the outer display from Multistar.

Run any app on cover display of Galaxy Flip 5

6. Next, turn on the Enable Launcher Widget options.

7. Now, the Launcher Widget with selected apps will be available on the cover screen.

Note that not all apps are optimized to run on the cover screen of Galaxy Flip 5, and some apps, like the Google Wallet, are blocked for security reasons.

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.