Few days ago, we have heard that Google is experimenting a turbo browsing feature in Chrome for Android. Now this feature is available in the latest beta version of Chrome. This data compression technology will reduce bandwidth usage considerably (over 60%), so it can deliver a faster web browsing on Android devices.

This new update is happens very soon after the launch of Opera’s Webkit based mobile browser for Android. Opera was one of the first mobile browser to integrate data compression. Both Opera and Chrome utilizes the same server-side data compression to deliver optimized webpages.


In Chrome for Android, webpages are compressed in Google SPDY proxy servers before it send to users device. In addition, only HTTP traffic is routed through and optimized by the proxy, secure (HTTPS) requests will bypass the proxy. That means private information does not reach Google’s compression servers.

Data Compression is an experimental feature, so you have to turn this feature on in your browser. Type chrome://flags in the address bar and enable the option “Experimental Data Compression Proxy”.

The beta version of Chrome for Android can be downloaded from here.[Via]


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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.