Google unveiled the third developer preview of Android N (NPD35K) with bug fixes, performance improvements and a handful of new features. The previous two releases of Android N were Alpha releases while this third developer preview is the first Beta release. The final build of Android N will be released (most likely!) at the end of this year.

The most visible changes in Android N Developer Preview 3 are option to change Google Keyboard color, theme with images and one-handed mode. Also, there is an option to set separate wallpaper for lock screen and home screen. Another feature is power notification control, which lets you set five important levels for app’s notifications.



Google keyboard in Android N DP3 lets you change its color and theme it with your own images. If you do not like the previous light and dark background color, you can now choose any color (up to 13 different colors) for your keyboard or theme it with your own images (Language Input > Virtual Keyboard > Google keyboard > Theme).

Also, this update brings Google Keyboard v5.1, which include one-handed mode, keyboard height adjustment, new gestures and more features.

How to get Android N DP3 keyboard on Marshmallow, Lollipop and KitKat

Download the Google keyboard v5.1 APK [HERE] and sideload it. It support Android 4.2 and later versions. Note that this is the ARMv8 version of Keyboard, so make sure you are running it on a compatible phone.

Another visible change in the Android N DP3 update is the option to set separate wallpaper for lock screen and homescreen. Also, DP3 includes few new wallpapers to spruce up your home and lock screens. At the same time, the power notification control lets you set five important levels (0-5) for app’s notifications.

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.