Google rolled out Android N Developer Preview 3 (NPD35K) with various bug fixes, new features, and stability and performance improvements. If you have opted for the Android beta program, you will get the OTA update on all supported devices, such as Nexus 5X, Nexus 6, Nexus 6P, Nexus 9, Nexus Player, Pixel C, General Mobile 4G (Android One), Sony Xperia Z3 (D6603 and D6653).

Important changes in Android N Developer Preview 3 (NPD35K) include VR Mode for Android, Sustained performance mode, Multiprocess WebView, etc. and bug fixes include Bluetooth audio playback interruption, Bluetooth keeps disconnecting, clock and toast notification issues, multi-window mode issue, etc.



New in Android N Developer Preview 3 (NPD35K)

VR Mode for Android: Android N adds platform support and optimizations for a new VR Mode (virtual reality mode) to let developers build high quality mobile VR experiences for users.

Sustained Performance Mode: Android N includes optional support for sustained performance mode, enabling OEMs to provide hints on device performance capabilities for long running applications. Only on Nexus 6P at the moment.

Multiprocess WebView: Starting with version 51 in Android N, WebView will run web content in a separate sandboxed process when the developer option “Multiprocess WebView” is enabled.

You can see all the new changes, bug fixes and features of Android N Developer Preview 3 (NPD35K) update at this page.

Download and Installation

If you have opted for Android Beta program, you will get the OTA (over the air) for the new update. New users can download the Android N DP3 factory image [HERE] and flash it manually. (Source)

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.