It has been over a week since OnePlus launched its flagship of 2017, the OnePlus 5, however first custom ROM is now available for the device. Released as a testing version, the LegendROM based on LineageOS brings quite a lot of customization and feature sets to OnePlus 5. Users who like customizable features on their OnePlus 5 can tryout the LegendROM right now.

Built on LineageOS, the LegendROM brings various features to OnePlus 5. Users can experience features like double tap to sleep anywhere on lockscreen, smart pull down, partial screenshot, screenshot delay, task manager customization, long press power on lockscreen for torch, floating action button for Recents clear all, and more on their device.



Below are some of the highlights of LegendROM for OnePlus 5:

– Double tap to sleep anywhere on lockscreen
– Longpress power on lockscreen for torch
– Wakelock blocker
– Power + Volume up to Screen record or partial screenshot
– Bluetooth Battery Status when available
– Show charging current & voltage on Lockscreen
– Advanced quick settings easy toggle
– And many more

LegendROM for OnePlus 5 (code-named cheeseburger) is in its testing stage now. Many bugs needs to be fixed and the ROM misses some features as well. Since OnePlus 5 is a fully developer friendly device and as official TWRP recovery is now available for the device, users can easily install the custom ROM on their device.

Interested custom ROM fans can try out the LegendROM right now on their OnePlus 5. Download the ROM from here and flash it via TWRP recovery. Create a nandroid back up do a complete wipe before flashing the ROM.

Installing LegendROM is just like any other custom ROMs, however your OnePlus 5 should be decrypted, if it is encrypted. Also, you need to flash Gapps package (Google apps and services) after flashing the ROM. (Source – XDA)

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.