Huawei P20 Pro was launched a few weeks ago (yesterday in India) and the phone now received official TWRP recovery support. TeamWin has released the popular custom recovery (twrp-3.2.1-0-charlotte.img) for P20 Pro (code-named charlotte), which is certainly a good news for tweakers and rooters. TWRP is an indispensable tool to back up the phone, flash custom ROM, etc.

Huawei P20 Pro features EMUI 8.1 (Android 8.1 Oreo), triple camera, 6.1-inch FHD+ OLED notch display, Huawei’s Kirin 970 octa-core chipset with a dedicated AI chip, 6GB RAM, 128GB memory, and more. What is more, the phone comes with plenty of customization options and new features to enhance user experience.



You can install TWRP custom recovery on Huawei P20 Pro after unlocking its bootloader, but you should first obtain unlock code from Huawei. Keep in mind that the processes will void your device’s warranty and will not get further official software OTA update.

If you prefer TWRP recovery to stock recovery on your Huawei P20 Pro, we have already a guide on how to unlock bootloader, install TWRP and root the device. First, download official TWRP image for P20 Pro and follow the guide.

To remind you, official TWRP has already been available for many recently launched devices. For example, Samsung Galaxy S9 and Galaxy S9+, Redmi Note 5 Pro, etc. have official TWRP image, which you can use to replace stock recovery.

TeamWin has also updated TWRP to version 3.2 with better support for Android 8.0 Oreo based ROMs and a bunch of new additions, bug fixes and improvements. (Source – TeamWin)

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.