WhatsApp has several features to enhance users’ experience. Self-chat is such a new feature. This feature will help users to take quick notes on the messaging platform. There was already a trick to messaging yourself on WhatsApp, but the company brought it to the service. Here is how to use it.

WhatsApp starts rolling out to self chat or messaging yourself feature to users. The main benefit of the option is to jot down something quickly, for example, a web URL you wish to revisit, etc. Also, along with the upcoming Companion Mode, the self-chat will help transfer files between devices.


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How to Messaging Yourself on WhatsApp?

1. Open WhatsApp and tap on the floating chat button in the lower right-hand corner.

2. Tap on the Message Yourself (You) pinned at the top of your contacts list.

3. Now you can write anything and tap on the send button to save the note.

Message yourself on WhatsApp

Chat with yourself is end-to-end encrypted, and you can use this feature to transfer files between your computer and phone wirelessly. You can send any file type, such as images, videos, songs, zip files, documents, etc.

How to Transfer Files Between PC and Phone Wirelessly Using WhatsApp’s Message Yourself Feature?

1. Open the WhatsApp Web on your computer and link it to your phone.

2. Next, start a self-chat and tap on the attach icon (paper clip).

3. Browse your file and tap on the send button.

4. Your file will instantly send to your PC, which you can download and save.

Transfer files to PC via WhatsApp

The chat-with-yourself feature is rolling out in a phased manner. So, it could take a few days to show up on your devices.

There is an alternate method to self-chat on WhatsApp. Create a group with one other person and then remove the person. Now use this group to chat with yourself (See detailed instructions). You can use this second option to have two separate chats with yourself on the messaging platform.

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.