Saving your favorite webpages for offline reading on your smartphone can be very useful when you are travelling without a working internet connection. Your default Android browser lets you save webpages for offline access. Here is how to make use of this feature.

On your Android phone, you can save any webpage to read later when you may lack an internet connection. You can download as many pages as you can via Wi-Fi or other mobile data, so you can read them when you are away from home, without needing to use the data connection.


To do this, simply navigate to the page in the Internet app and then tap the Menu button. Select the ‘Save for offline reading’ option and you can continue reading regardless of where you are.


To access the saved webpages, run the Internet app, tap on the Bookmark icon and then select “Saved pages” tab. That’s it!

Bonus tip: If the feature is not available in your Internet app, the Android app “Offline Browser” lets you do that. It downloads webpages to your Android phone or tablet to view offline.

Please note that, saving webpages doesn’t work with every site.

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.