OnePlus with its every new launch adds something new to its product. The new OnePlus 6T McLaren edition looks similar to the regular OnePlus 6T, but features a black-and-orange color scheme, more ROM and faster charging system (Warp Charge). The McLaren OnePlus 6T also features exclusive animations and themes as well. For example, the Fingerprint animation, boot up animation and live wallpapers are different from the regular 6T.

If you like the McLaren OnePlus 6T special Fingerprint animation (see it in action below), you can easily enable it on regular OnePlus 6T without root access. According to XDA senior member Lartsch, the unlocking speed feels even faster with this animation! Here is how to get it on your phone.

McLaren fingerprint animation
McLaren fingerprint animation

To get the new in screen McLaren fingerprint animation, you just need to install an app from Play Store and edit some system settings. It should works on international variant OnePlus 6T runs stable OxygenOS build or Open Beta build. There is a Magisk module as well for rooted OnePlus 6T users. You can also get McLaren Fingerprint animation via ADB command, which is also not required root.

IMPORTANT: Keep in mind that since we need to edit some system settings manually, do take extra care. Do not to mess with other settings, if you do not know what you are doing.

How to Enable McLaren OnePlus 6T Fingerprint Animation on Regular 6T

NOTE: Your OnePlus 6T should be running on OxygenOS 9.0.9 or newer or OxygenOS Open Beta 1 or newer, since the McLaren animation files are included with this version.

Method -1: With Settings Database Editor

1. Download Settings Database Editor app from Google Play.

2. Open it and confirm that “System table” is selected.

3. Scroll down and search for the line “op_custom_unlock_animation_style“.

4. Touch the line and then press on “Edit value”.

5. Enter “3” (no quotes) and confirm.

NOTE: If you cannot find the line “op_custom_unlock_animation_style”, change your current fingerprint animation in Settings, and then check for the line again in the app.

You have now enabled McLaren OnePlus 6T special Fingerprint animation on your device. You can now uninstall the app from your phone. Enjoy!


Method – 2: Via ADB Commands, No root

1. Setup ADB and Fastboot driver setup on your PC

2. Connect your device and verify your adb connection by using: adb devices

3. Proceed by running the command: adb shell settings put system op_custom_unlock_animation_style 3

4. Reboot your phone and enjoy.

Method – 3: Root and Magisk manager

1. Require root access and Magisk manager on the device

2. Download the Magisk module .zip from source link below

3. Install it through Magisk Manager.

How to get McLaren theme on OnePlus 6T

1. Head over to Settings -> Display -> Theme, and set it to “Dark”.

2. Next, tap on “Accent color” and tap on the custom color icon.

3. Input the hex code “#E0610E” in there.

Enjoy new in-display McLaren fingerprint animation, McLaren theme on your regular OnePlus 6T. (Source – XDA)

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.