Google released the first preview of Android N a couple of days ago for a range of Nexus devices. For Xiaomi Android phones, it will take several months to get the official Android N update. However, if you would like to get the Android N look and feel right now, you can get it by installing the Android N theme. The theme brings stock Android UI to any Xiaomi phone.

Xiaomi smartphones runs MIUI on top of Android. One of the coolest features of MIUI is the built-in theming engine, which is comprehensive and let you customize the OS to your preferences. The Android N theme gives complete stock UI (vanilla) and experience to most Xiaomi smartphones such as Xiaomi Mi4, Mi4i, Redmi Note 3, Note 2, Note 1, etc.



MIUI, the Xiaomi skin on top of Android, remains a polarizing experience. MIUI changes almost everything in Android. Many of the additions are useful, but everything looks very different, from the launcher to the notification drawer to the lockscreen. However, with themes you can change everything to your liking.

How to Get Android N (Theme) on Any Xiaomi Android Phone

1. Download the Android N theme [HERE] or [HERE] to your phone. This them support both Chinese and Global Xiaomi devices.

2. Now, open the file manager and tap on MIUI folder.

3. Inside the MIUI folder, you can see many sub folders.

4. Tap on Themes folder, copy and paste the Android N theme you have downloaded earlier.

5. Now, reboot your phone and on the app drawer open Themes app

6. In the options, choose offline. Inside it, you will see the theme you have saved on your phone. Select the Android N theme and apply it.

You have now Android N look and feel on your Xiaomi Android phone. Leave your views in the comment section below. (Source – miui forum)

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.


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