If you want to insert path to a file in a Word document or if you want to call up a folder in Windows Explorer from a command prompt requires a lot of typing and clicking. But by enabling hidden context menus, you can do it quickly.

To enable hidden context menus, just press and hold Shift key and right click on a file or folder in Windows Explorer. The context menu then shows few hidden commands.



The command ‘Copy as Path’ is available for files and folders. Use this command to copy the name of the file or folder along with its complete path in the clipboard.

The command ‘Open Command Window Here’ is now available in the context menu of folders. This command helps directly open the command line instead of going through the start menu.

Hope you’ll enjoy this post!

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.