As you all know, Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge Plus has a curved screen that Samsung tries to make it more useful with software gimmicks. The main and most useful features are Edge Contacts and Edge Apps that enables you to quickly access to your favorite contacts and favorite apps from the edge screen.

Galaxy Note 5 users can now enable Galaxy S6 Edge features such as Edge Contact and Edge Apps on their device with a Mod, though Note 5 does not have edge screen, thanks to the XDA contributor Androidwizzard. The Mod ported from Galaxy S6 Edge Plus is somewhat that replaces the good old toolbox.


The Mod is a recovery flashable zip file, which means your Note 5 must have custom recovery (TWRP) installed. You can flash the Mod without wiping data. Once installed, you can enable the Edge option from your Note 5’s settings menu.


Installation Instruction

1. Download Edge Contact & Edge Apps Mod zip file [HERE] and move it to your device.

2. Boot your Note 5 into TWRP recovery mode

3. Select ‘Install’ option, locate the Mod zip file and flash it.

Warning: The Mod mentioned here only works on a deodexed ROM, so make sure you have a deodexed ROM installed on your Note 5 before flashing the Mod, otherwise you will end up with bricked device. (Source – Androidwizzard)

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.