Sharing photos with friends and acquaintances is one of the most popular features of Facebook. However, sometimes you may want to keep a copy of your photos or your friends’ photos locally on your computer for some reasons. There are several ways for the same and Facebook2Zip is another good tool for this work.Facebook2zip
Facebook2Zip is a Facebbook app that helps you download all your albums (or your friends’ albums) in compressed Zip file format.

To do this, you have to give permission access to the app, choose your or one of your friends album (s) and click ‘download all’ button. To download multiple albums, press and hold Ctrl key and select albums.

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.


  1. […] To do this, you have to give permission access to the app, choose your or one of your friends album (s) and click ‘download all’ button. To download multiple albums, press and hold Ctrl key and select albums.[via-techtrickz] […]

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