Tag: Google Now
How to Add More Languages in Google Voice Search for Android
Google Voice Search (Google Now) for Android now lets you add more languages besides your primary language. So that you can speak to Google...
How to Improve Google Now Experience (Get More Cards)
Google Now is fast becoming the ultimate search tool for Android with new cards. With more cards, you can better experience Google Now. If...
How to Use OK Google Hotword on Nova, Apex and Touchwiz 5 Launchers
Google Now is your best place for voice-controlled features. The new update allows controlling your phone using the hands free launch phrase ‘OK Google’...
Enable “OK Google” Hotword Detection to Any Screen – No Root Required
Recently Google updated the Search app with support for “OK Google” Hotword detection to any screen, but unfortunately it is only available to certain...
The New Search App Let You Use “OK Google” Hotword From any Screen Including...
Now you can use ‘OK Google’ hotword to do things like search, get directions, and send messages from any screen including your lockscreen on...
How to Get “OK Google” Functionality on Third Party Launchers
The intelligent personal assistant “Google Now” and the “OK Google” hotword has become an integral part of Android 4.4 KitKat launcher now. However, the...