Tuesday, February 25, 2025
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Tag: Android App

Automatically Unlock Android PIN With WiFi At Home or Work

Protecting your Android smartphone with a PIN will prevent unauthorized access in case it is lost or stolen. However, having to enter your password...

Source Code Editor For Android Smartphone [Video]

Are you a programmer? An idea just struck you while sitting in a subway or on a bus or just waiting, and thinking about...

Gtasks: Personal To-Do List and Notes Tool For Android

You probably rely on your smartphone for many things and there are several applications to help you maximize your smartphone when you are on...

Free Face Recognition App to Protect Your Android Phone

Visidon AppLock is a free face recognition app for Android phone, which can be used to protect your phone from unauthorized access. You can...

How Do You Block Annoying SMS Spam On Android?

Every day we receive several unwanted and undesired SMS on our mobile phone. If you are being plagued by such spam SMS, here is...

LazyDroid Lets You Control Android Phone Remotely From Your Computer

LazyDroid is an amazing Android app that allows you to control your mobile phone from your computer. You can send SMS, add or delete...

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