Huawei Honor 9 has updated with Face Unlock and AR Lens feature. All variants of Honor 9 (DUK-TL30, DUK-AL30, and DUK-AL20) have been updated with EMUI 8.0, March 2018 security patch, as well as several cutting-edge features like smart lockscreen notification, pick up gesture and more. Recently, Huawei rolled out Face Unlock and other features to Mate 10, Honor 7X, Honor 8, etc.

The company starts rolling the B341 ( update through OTA that enables Face Unlock on the device and brings other value added feature to the device, but currently available to Chinese variant Honor 9/Honor V9 only. Huawei soon may release similar update to Global variant Honor 9.


Huawei Honor 9

Besides Face unlock, the new update brings AR Lens feature to the device. With this feature, you can add stickers to your photos, and change their backgrounds. To use this feature, open Camera, and swipe right to try out the AR Lens.

Smart lock screen notifications and Pick up to wake up phone are two new features that the B341 update brings to Honor 9. The ‘Smart lock screen notifications’ hides notifications content on the lock screen and protects your privacy by preventing others from reading your messages. While, the Pick up to wake up feature wake up your phone each time you pick it.

Also, this update optimizes the stability of HUAWEI Wallet and reduces the power consumption of games including Passion Leads Army.

How to Enable Face Unlock on Huawei Honor 9?

Once enabled the feature, it will unlock the device when the owner’s face is recognized. You can enable the face unlock by going to Phone Settings > Security & Privacy > Face unlock. [source]

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.