The recently launched Samsung Galaxy S4’s camera mode has several smart features. An interesting feature that attracted me a lot is its Dual Camera mode. In this mode, you can capture an image or shoot a video with both your front and rear-mounted cameras at the same time. It has several usefulness. For example, when you take a photo of your surroundings or when you capture your family’s photo album, you can include your own image on that photo.

Would like to have Galaxy S4’s dual camera mode feature on your android phone? I think there is no mods or hacks to use both camera simultaneously. Also, there is no direct alternative on the Play store for using both cameras together. However, an app called “Multi-lens Camera” offers a very simple way of combining multiple shots into a single image.


Multi-lens Camera provide multiple display screens simultaneously when you are taking pictures. You can take 2- 6 photos at the same time and then you combine them into one photo.

Of course, this app doesn’t have Galaxy S4’s dual camera mode like feature, but you can combine multiple shots into a single image.

Interested users can download Multi-lens Camera (it’s free and supports Android 2.3 and above) from Play Store.

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.