With our weather system changing by the day, having a weather app that can give full forecast, latest weather alerts, current conditions in their speci?c area, temperature, humidity, etc. is extremely reassuring. Though several weather apps are available at Play Store for free, below are the best four weather apps that I have tested on my Android phone.

Android-Weather App


Android Weather: A very simple and accurate weather app that can provide detailed weather for all cities worldwide. It searches and locates our location quickly, and provides the current temperature, current weather condition, humidity and wind speed and direction, in addition, five/ten days/ hourly weather forecast.

Weather Bug Android App

WeatherBug: A very simple, yet comprehensive weather app that provides users the chance to see a full forecast, latest weather alerts, radar warning and the current conditions in a specific area.

Yahoo!Weather App

Yahoo! Weather: It is one of my favorite weather apps. Local weather and weather forecasts takes a completely new meaning with weather information combined with beautiful photographs that match current weather condition.

Go Weather EX

GO Weather EX: Similar to Android Weather app it brings detailed weather report, 5-day weather forecast, accurate location positioning, etc. In addition, it brings variety of delicate weather widget themes and live wallpaper, so it looks nice on Android’s home screen.

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.