WhatsApp introduces a new and improved storage management feature to help users manage storage space on their smartphones. It groups large files and media that have been forwarded many times and sorts files by size and date. So you can quickly free up a large amount of space by deleting the duplicate files.
Here’s how to use WhatsApp’s new Manage Storage feature to free up space on your Android phone. The new storage manager tool shows how much space WhatsApp files occupy on your phone. It shows files that are forwarded many times and large files (larger than 5MP) that eat up space. So you can preview and delete files that consume the storage space.
Steps to free up space by cleaning the WhatsApp duplicate files
- Update WhatsApp to the latest version.
- Open the app and tap on the 3-dots menu at the top right corner of the screen.
- Choose Settings and tap on Storage and data option.
- Tap Manage storage to enter into the new space management page.
- In this page, you should see a group of files and media that have forwarded many times.
- Tap on it, select all or individual items and tap on the Delete button to remove from your phone.
The new storage management tool solves one of the most annoyances of WhatsApp. Users can quickly delete unwanted files and media using this feature. It means you will get more space for your other apps and files.