Xposed Framework for Android 6.0 Marshmallow has been released officially. Getting the installer up and running on your rooted Marshmallow devices can be a bit of tough process, because the installation on Android 6.0 is slightly different than we did it on the previous version of Android.
In this tutorial, we show the right way to install Xposed Framework on Android 6.0 Marshmallow phones. If you are new to Xposed Framework, you might want to know about it and its advantages on your phone. Developed by an XDA user Rovo89, this little app lets you easily add various useful functions and lets you change look of your phone via modules.
Before you get start, please note that the status of the framework is alpha, so make a Nandroid backup from TWRP recovery before installing it, because if you come across any issue and want to uninstall the Xposed framework from your device, the safest way is to restore the nandroid backup.
Install Xposed Framework on Android 6.0 Marshmallow Devices
Disclaimer: Follow the instruction at your own risk. We will not be liable if any damage occurs to your device and/or its components. It is recommended for technically talented users only.
Prerequisites: Your device must be rooted and custom recovery the one like TWRP installed on the phone.
1. Based on your phone’s CPU architecture, there are three different versions of the Xposed Framework for Android 6.0 devices. So, check CPU architecture (ARM64, ARMv7, x86) before downloading the Framework.
To find your phone’s CPU Architecture, you can install the Droid Hardware Info app [Download here).
2. Once the CPU architecture is identified, download the right Xposed Framework zip file for your device and save it on your phone
– Download for ARMv7 Marshmallow devices [HERE]
– Download for ARM64 Marshmallow devices [HERE]
– Download for x86 Marshmallow devices [HERE]
3. Now, download the Xposed Framework installer APK [HERE] and move it to your phone.
4. Enable ‘Unknown sources’ on your phone by going to Settings -> Security.
5. Boot your phone into TWRP recovery and flash the Xposed Framework zip file.
To do so, tap ‘Install’, navigate to the zip file (xposed-v78-sdk23-xxx.zip) and swipe the slider to begin flashing. Once done, reboot your phone.
6. Now, install the Xposed framework installer APK file just like a normal Android app.
Once done, you can download your favorite Xposed modules (Android 6.0 supported) from the module repository [HERE] and use them on your Marshmallow phone. (Source – XDA)
Pls who has a working link to download armv7 zip
Where is the uninstaller.zip?
the link for dowload the ask23 for armv7 is wrong i recive this anotation for the link:
“nvalid Attachment specified. This can happen for a variety of reasons– most likely because the thread or post you are trying to view has been moved or deleted”
do you now if the are new links for the specific xposed ask23????
I use a Moto G 2014 (xt1068) and the CPU Architecture is ARMv7 but the instruction sets is armeabi-v7a, armeabi? Can I use the ARMv7 zip ?
armv7 link not working.??? pls update