YU Yureka and Yureka Plus users can now enjoy Android 5.1.1 Lollipop and new features like Smarter Screen, Redesigned Launcher, etc. on their device. Yu Televentures has released Cyanogen OS 12.1 (based on Android 5.1.1) update for YU Yureka and its plus version. Users will receive the OTA notification for the update in the coming days

The Cyanogen OS 12.1 update (YOG4PAS3JM) for Yu Yureka/ Yureka Plus will fix many bugs found in the previous build, improves stability and increase security. The update will include an enhanced Thermal control feature, which will fix the Yu Yureka’s annoying over-heating issue.



Also, this update will include improved memory optimizations, better data connectivity and the Camera Next app is optimized for more battery and thermal efficient.

Other new features in Cyanogen OS 12.1:

a) Smarter Screen: LiveDisplay intelligently adjusts your screen based on environmental conditions.
b) Calendar Together with Email: Enjoy the latest Boxer powered experience where you can seamlessly share your availability and schedule appointments.
c) Cyanogen Browser: The new Cyanogen browser delivers search results and loads web sites faster and more securely than leading browsers.
d) Redesigned Launcher: App Drawer and Folders have been redesigned for one-handed use.
e) Fresh AudioFX: The user interface has been updated for consistency across all devices.
f) More Playback support: Increased support of codecs for video and audio playback.

To install Cyanogen OS 12.1 update on YU Yureka and Yureka Plus, first, check for the update by going to Settings -> About phone -> System update. If the update is available, just download and install the update. However, if you have not received the update for some reasons, you can install it manually by downloading the firmware.

Manually Update Yu Yureka/ Yureka Plus to Cyanogen OS 12.1

Note: The below file is an OTA update file. To apply the update, your device should be running on the latest version of Cyanogen OS 12.

1. Download Cyanogen OS 12.1 OTA update zip file [HERE] or [HERE] (cm-12.1-YOG4PAS3JM-tomato-signed.zip) and transfer the update zip file to your phone’s internal storage.

2. Now, boot your Yureka into recovery mode. To do so, switch off the phone and then hold down the Volume up + Volume down + Power buttons at the same time

3. From recovery, select Apply update -> select the zip file you have transferred in step 1 above.

Once the flashing process is finished, go back to the main recovery menu, select the Reboot system now option and wait for the reboot process to complete (Source, 1, 2)

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.


  1. Sir I am using yu yureka ao5510. I have factory reset for then 3-4 hour complete but showing process then remove battery & restart fon but fon not started plzzz help me sir urgent

  2. I thought that you have tried Android 7.1.2 Nougat based custom ROM. Your issue may be due to outdated bootloader, so update the bootloader and try custom ROM. Also, let us know the exact error messages you have got.

  3. Sir I have yu yureka a5510
    Kitkat version
    Two days ago i install twrp custom recovery and i download some custom rom
    I tried to flash it
    But all the roms cannot install
    It shows error
    What can i do sir to install custom rom
    My yureka is kitkat 4.4.4

  4. As CyanogenMod is dead you will not get the update. However you can install official firmware from Yu or custom ROM LineageOS (Android 7.1.2)

  5. I have yureka plus 4.4.4 and yet I not got any system update. I rooted my device and now what I do for update phone.

  6. Yes it is good but batre 99%charg but come in 30% than batre are low then switch off its a problem .

  7. To apply the OTA update your device should be on latest version of firmware and meet certain requirements. I think the problem with Play store and other apps are not related with the system update.

  8. I m helpless for install new 128 mb update I had download it lots of time but it is not install at my device. I had format my device two time but this problem is still facing. play store & many other apps are not run. please help

  9. Sir im using yu yureka A05510 my speakers n sim card is nt wrking i hv reset my ohne fr 7 times but no use of it wat to do sir help me

  10. The mentioned file is OTA. Since it is very old, you have already got this update. If not, you need to download the full ROM from Cyanogen support and flash it manually

  11. To apply partial OTA update, your device should have on most recent update or you need to download and flash full OTA update or full ROM

  12. I m helpless for install new 128 mb update I had download it lots of time but it is not install at my device. I had format my device two time but this problem is still facing.

  13. Check for update by going to Settings > About phone or download and install the ROM from Cyanogen Support page. Usually, new update will enhance device performance

  14. I hv yuAO5510
    System shows os 12.0 update
    Lollipop 5.0 only
    Can i install 12.1 update directly without update it to 12.0 first??

    Second, does updation of os affect performance of my phone??
    Will it get slow??

  15. I didn’t got any update for marshmallow,my device is yureka ao5510,so please help me,give an ota file to install in recovery mode

  16. The mentioned file is incremental update, so your device should be running on the latest version of Cyanogen OS. Or you can install the full rom by downloading it from Cyanogen support page

  17. But I have occore in my YU yureka plus and 4.4.4 android version I have downloaded it, now can I boot my mobile

  18. If you can boot into recovery, you can install the OS. Make sure that the battery is fully charged (at least 80%)

  19. hi sir, i have yureka AO5510 ..i was update my phone but bettery was low after 95% installation phone was switched off..and now its not working and even not started after that..what to do plz help

  20. The file mentioned in the above article is official OTA update (not full system image), which requires certain requirement on the device to install. If any issue updating your device, download full system image (fastboot or recovery image) from Cyanogen support page and flash manually

  21. Delete cache partition in recovery and then reboot your phone. If that not helped download full firmware from Cyanogen support page and flash it

  22. My yureka at
    android -5.0.2
    Cyanogen is version-12.0-YNG1TAS0
    and also update shown in my phone is 12.1-YOG4PAS3JM
    but this update done 1 time after that my phone getting stuck and only show cynogenmod.
    What is the main issue that update ?
    Can u give me suggection plz

  23. May be you have downloaded a corrupt image or not a OTA file. Download the full ROM package and install it manually

  24. While installing it shows ” whole signature failed ” ” signature fail ” etc.. I’m using unrooted Yu yureka plus and have 4.4.4 KitKat.. whaaat to doo

  25. No it doesn’t work on Yureka Plus… As vivek said installation failed and aborted .. I download from official link…

  26. I download in from the above mention link by you. bt it shows error. E Footer is wrong, wt shd i do?

  27. error is shown that verfying update package…E:FAILED to verify whole-file signature ………E:signature verification failed…….
    Installation aborted….
    Please help me sir….i download the ROM from this page.I have yureka plus on android..

  28. After installing the above update :

    1. Lollipop working fine
    2. Camera is now downgraded to 5MP
    3. Charging time is very sluggish

    Pl suggest resolution


  29. my mobile camera flash is not working properly. after capturing a image while flash in on mode or auto mode – the image is getting completely black. camera freeze time and flash timing is inappropriate. how to solve this problem please guide me…

  30. Have you rooted your phone? OTA update won’t install on a rooted phone. You need to clean install the firmware, which is quite simpme

  31. It does not install and gives me an error stating :-
    /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/system has been remounted…..something

  32. I don’t want to replacement of my mobile, i want rectifications only. and i heard about all YU Yureka phones are not good when compare to battery and network and other issues

  33. I have downloaded and it is showing signature failed and aborted when tried manually. I don’t know why the update not sent to me.

  34. Any one pls help I hav yu yur els plus!! I hav recieved an update !! But wen I download it it doesn’t install wat to doo!!!!,

  35. My pta update is not installing…it starts installing…when it becomes half…it stops and returned to recovery mode…what to do?

  36. Guys i have not got any update can i make it manually .5.1.1 is really working good in yureka anyone guide me

  37. I saw the system update notification… Today I enabled my data connection but it disappeared…again and again in system updates but it shows no were updates…what I want do to update

  38. I got 5.1 update notification, after 4 days tried to download the update. But that notification disappeared, also tried in about phone option. It shows phone up to date. What to do, to update 5.1

  39. I got an update for 12.1 in my rooted yureka plus but I ignored it everytime it tries to download automatically. But after 3 to 4 days the updates notifications has gone. How to back the system updates again? Any solution?

  40. i had downloaded the update…battery was low…so thought of doing the installation part later on and den forgot abt it…now wen i search for the update it says, my phone is upto date, but still in 5.0.2…cant get 5.1.1 …wad to do ?

  41. Wiping cache partition won’t remove previous ROM. Required some technical knowledge on flashing ROM manually.

  42. do i need to ‘wipe cache partition’?
    Will the previous ROM be removed on it own or will it take up some space?

  43. It is not installing on my yureka plus 5.0.2 I tried to install it many times but it often says installation aborted saying this device has YU/yureka/yureka:5.0.2/LRX22G/yng1tas3eg:user/release-keys
    E:failed to install/sideload/package.zip
    Plz tell me what to do?

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