LineageOS 15 builds (based on Android 8.0 Oreo) are now available for many good old devices, unofficially though. One among them is the original Moto G 2013 (code-named falcon) edition. If you own the first Gen Moto G 2013, then you can now experience Google’s latest mobile OS Android 8.0 Oreo on it via LineageOS 15. Below is download link and installation guide.

In this guide, we show you how to install LineageOS 15 (Android 8.0) (unofficial) on Moto G3 2013. Android 8.0 Oreo brings various new features and performance enhancements. One of the main benefits of LineageOS (and other custom ROMs) is that it can bring latest Android versions (here Android 8.0) even on four year old devices like Moto G3 2013.


Install LineageOS 15 on Moto G 2013

LineageOS 15.0 for Moto G 2013 (falcon) developed by an XDA member Carlos Arriaga, is in its developing stage now, however most things are working as expected, except camera, Bluetooth ,RIL (for Dual Sims devices) and SELinux is permissive. It means you cannot use this ROM as a daily driver.

Experienced users can try the ROM and experience Android 8.0 Oreo on their Moto G 2013. Here is how to flash the unofficial LineageOS 15 on Moto G 2013.

Also Read: Quick Battery Drain After Updating to Android 8.0 Oreo (How to Fix)

Note: Before start, note that your Moto G 2013 (falcon) should be on latest LineageOS 14.1 version.

How to install unofficial LineageOS 15 on Moto G 2013

Disclaimer: Follow the instruction at your own risk. We will not be liable if any damage occurs to your device and/or its components. It is recommended for technically talented users only.

1. Download unofficial LineageOS 15 ROM zip file for falcon [HERE] and Google apps package (Gapps) zip file [HERE]. Save both files on your phone.

2. Boot your Moto G into TWRP recovery. To do so, disconnect the phone from the PC (if connected), then power off it, and then press and hold Volume down and Power button simultaneously.

3. In TWRP recovery, does a full system wipe. Tap Wipe > Advanced Wipe and Wipe data / Factory reset, Wipe cache, Wipe dalvik cache.

4. Once done, select ‘Install’, choose the LOS 15 ROM zip file (you have copied on your phone) and swipe to confirm flash. Repeat the same for installing Gapps zip file.

5. Once done, reboot your phone.

The first boot will take little more time. Once booted up, set up your device, and enjoy Android 8.0 Oreo on Moto G. Any doubt? Leave it in the comment section below. (Source – XDA)

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.


  1. Installed successfully, but

    1. not detecting any SIM card
    2. not able to start wi-fi, when wi-fi automatically toggles to disabled state when enabled.

    Therefore, uninstalled Lineage 15 and again restored the Lineage 14 ROM.

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