Few days ago, Google released Android P Beta 2 (Android 9.0 preview 3) for Pixel devices with new features and bug fixes. It is now available for Sony Xperia XZ2. If you already have flashed Beta 1 on your Xperia XZ2 device, you’ll get an OTA (over-the-air) update. If not, you need to install the update manually. Here is how to install Android P beta 2 on Sony Xperia XZ2.

Android P beta supports three variants of Sony Xperia XZ2, such as H8216, H8266 and H8296. If you would like to get the preview of Android 9.0, first verify your device’s model number. If you own either of above mentioned model, then follow the below steps to install Android P Beta 2 on it.



With this update, Sony has corrected the following issues:

– Small difference in max vs min volume during call
– Microphone stops working
– Wireless Charging on XZ2 not fully recognized
– SD-cards formatted with exFAT are not recognized
– Nightlight is not triggered correctly when using sunset to sunrise setting
– GPS not working on some units
– 4G+ can cause the modem to crash
– Tethering/Wifi Hotspot makes the system unstable

Before get start with the installation proceedure, backup all data you have on the phone. Also, ensure more than 50% battery charge remaining on the phone.

How to install Android P Beta 2 on Sony Xperia XZ2

1. First, download Xperia Companion v2.1 or later from here and install it on your computer.

2. After installation, start Xperia Companion

3. On computer keyboard, press ALT key and then click on “Software Repair” on the home screen

4. Tick the checkbox “My device cannot be detected or started”, and then click “Next

5. Wait for the initialization to complete, and then follow the instructions on the screen.

Note: You can return to stock Xperia firmware at any time by connecting back to Xperia Companion and following the Software repair (without holding ALT key). [Source – Sony]

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.