This article is for owners of Huawei Honor 6X who are looking to unlock bootloader, install TWRP custom recovery and get root access on their phone. TeamWin has released official TWRP recovery (code-named berlin) for Honor 6X that you can flash on bootloader-unlocked device. Also, the latest version of SuperSU enables root on the device. Check out the guide to know how to install TWRP recovery and root Huawei Honor 6X.
Unlocking Honor 6X‘s bootloader will cause some warranty issues and wipe the phone completely. If that does not bother you, and have enough reasons to unlock bootloader, get root access and TWRP custom recovery on your Honor 6X, then follow the steps below.

Unlocked bootloader, custom TWRP recovery and root access are very important for every Android enthusiast. Installing custom ROMs, customize the device, strip off bloat apps (unnecessary system apps), boost battery life, perform full backup of the phone, etc. are the common benefits. However, users should need some technical skill.
Warning: The below guide will void your device warranty. Also, it will wipe your device completely. Backup data you have on the phone before proceeding.
Note: The below guide assume that ADB and Fastboot drivers installed on your computer.
Disclaimer: Follow the instruction at your own risk. We will not be liable if any damage occurs to your device and/or its components. It is recommended for technically talented users only
Unlock Honor 6X Bootloader (official method)
Warning: Once unlocked, you cannot go back to the previous state for warranty purpose.
1. Go to this page and create Huawei ID or login with your existing ID.
2. After login, fill out the form: Enter phone model, serial number (Settings > About > Status), IMEI number (Settings > About > Status) and product ID (dial *#*#1357946#*#* to get it).
3. You will receive the unlock code
4. Enable Developer Options (tap on the build number 5 times) and in Developer Options menu enable ‘USB Debugging’ and ‘OEM Unlock’ options.
5. Connect your phone to your PC, open a command window inside the ADB folder and issue the command: fastboot oem unlock [insert unlock key here]
. Then issue the command: fastboot reboot
to reboot your phone.
6. You are now unlocked your Honoe 6X’s bootloader.
How to install TWRP recovery on Honor 6X
1. Download TWRP recovery for Honor 6X from here and rename the file to “recovery.img”
2. Enable “USB Debugging” and “OEM Unlock” in Developer Options settings.
3. Copy and paste the TWRP recovery image inside the ADB installation folder.
4. Connect your device to your PC and open a command window inside the ADB installation folder (press Shift key, right click and select open command window here option)
5. Now, issue the following commands one by one:
adb reboot bootloader
fastboot devices
fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
6. Once done, reboot your phone by issuing the below command:
fastboot reboot
How to Root Honor 6X
1. Download Chainfire’s SuperSU zip file from here and save it on your device
2. Boot your device into TWRP recovery mode by issuing the below command:
adb reboot recovery
3. In recovery, tap install, select the SuperSU zip file and swipe right to confirm the action.
4. Once done, reboot your device.
Any question? Leave it in the comment section below. (Source: 1, 2)
if your using 7.0 android it will not work…
I tried but phone is hang after install recovery.img everytime I going to recovery my Honor 6X can’t boot with recovery, my phone hanging please help me