The recently launched Huawei’s Honor 7X is an affordable phone that comes with full view display (18:9 screen), 16MB dual camera, EMUI 5.1 (Nougat) and more. Honor 7X is the successor to the Honor 6X and features all metal design with minimal bezels. Like the predecessor, Honor 7X is also a developer friendly device, which means you can unlock its bootloader officially, install custom recovery like TWRP and get root access on it.

In this guide, we show you how to unlock Honor 7X bootloader, which is a prerequisite for installing TWRP custom recovery, installing custom ROMs, and getting root access on the device. However, note that Bootloader is security feature of the device, so perform it at your own risk.



Keep in mind that Unlocking Honor 7X‘s bootloader will cause some warranty issues and wipe the phone completely. If that does not bother you, and have enough reasons to unlock bootloader, then follow the steps below.

Warning: The below guide will void your device warranty. Also, you cannot go back to previous state for warranty purpose. The process will wipe your device completely, so backup all data you have on the phone before proceeding.

Also Read: How to unlock bootloader, install TWRP and get root on Honor 6X

Note: The below guide assume that ADB and Fastboot drivers installed on your computer (refer this guide).

How to Unlock Honor 7X Bootloader

Disclaimer: Follow the instruction at your own risk. We will not be liable if any damage occurs to your device and/or its components. It is recommended for technically talented users only

1. First, get your unlock code from Huawei. Go to this website and create Huawei ID or login with your existing ID.

2. After sign in, go to Downloads > Unlock Bootloader

3. Fill out the form with Phone model, Serial number, Product code and IMEI number.

- Serial Number: Go to Settings > About > Status
- Product code: Dial *#*#1357946#*#*
- IMEI number: Go to Settings > About > Status

4. Your unlock code will be shown on the same page, at the bottom of the form.

5. Now, turn on USB Debugging and OEM Unlock on your phone:

– Go to Settings > About > and tap on Build Number seven times.
– Now, go to Settings > Developer Options and enable OEM Unlock and USB Debugging.

6. Connect your phone to your PC.

– Open a command window inside the ADB folder, type the below command and hit enter:

adb reboot bootloader

– Once in bootloader mode, type the command below and hit enter:

fastboot oem unlock [insert unlock key here].

– Follow the on-screen instructions.

After rebooting your phone, you can install TWRP recovery and get root access on your Honor 7X. Check this guide for details.

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.