The LED brightness of Sony Xperia Z1 is not very bright. Sony has limited the brightness may be to protect the LED from damages as well as to prevent burn out of images when taking picture with flash. However, when you using your Xperia Z1 as a torch, found that the light output is less, you can increase its LED brightness with a simple Mod.



An XDA member, olokos has come up with a simple Mod that can increase the LED brightness of Xperia Z1 when it using as a torch or when it using both as torch and camera (depending on the mod). However, keep in mind that DO NOT leaves the LED on for a long time, as the increased brightness will damage the LED as well as the internals of the phone.

The LED brightness Mod for Xperia Z1 is available as zip file. There are three Mods – Extreme (just for torch), Medium (for torch and camera – recommended) and Extreme for both torch and camera. Once you flash the zip file through a custom recovery, you will see the difference when using the torch app (depending on the mod version).

How to Increase LED Brightness of Sony Xperia Z1

The below guide lets you know how to flash the LED brightness Mod for Xperia Z1 through custom recovery. To use this mod your device must be rooted and a custom recovery installed on it.

Disclaimer: Please follow this guide at your own risk. Though we are putting our level best to provide this tutorial at its maximum perfection and accuracy, we can’t take responsibility for anything that goes wrong. This guide is intended for technically talented users only.


1. Download the LED Brightness zip file [Here] and copy it to your device.
2. Boot your Xperia Z1 in to the custom recovery.
3. Go to “Wipe cache partition”, clear the cache, then go to “Advanced options”, and delete the dalvik cache.
4. Now, go to “Install custom zip” and select LED Brightness file.

After the installation completed, reboot the phone.

How to revert the changes to the stock level

You can revert the changes back to the original by flashing the ‘Revert to stock Z1 torch’ zip file [download from source link]. It revert the settings to the stock level (source – XDA).

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.