A number of users are looking to switch to Windows 8 or 8.1 on their system, since Microsoft is all set to bid goodbye to Windows XP in a few months. However, the modern operating system is a bit tough to adjust to and may require some help to get adjusted to the advanced features of the new OS package.



The following instructions are meant to guide on the installation of the remote control software, which would prove to be helpful if you have recently made a shift to the Windows 8 series. One of the main difficulties faced by a number of users is enabling the remote desktop feature on their systems. For starters, remote desktop allows controlling the device from another PC on the same network.

Steps to Follow

Swiping through the right of the Start screen, access the charms bar. After selecting search, enter system in the search box.

The following page will provide some options. Select Remote settings from the options and move to the Remote Desktop option. Select the option to allow remote connections to this computer and click on Apply.

This step will enable the Remote Desktop feature on the device. It will stop functioning when the device is put on sleep or hibernate mode. Thus, a few power settings will have to be altered.

Go to the Charms menu for purpose and select the Search option. Enter the Power options and select the green battery icon in the resulting page.

Select the Change or Customize the power plan option and select the Balanced Plan. Alter the settings by selecting the option Change Plan Settings, followed by this put the computer to sleep. Select the Never option under the Plugged In section.

Once you have followed the above given steps, the steps given below should be followed to connect the device via the feature of Remote Desktop. However, before connecting the device, you are required to collect the IP address for the device that is to be connected.

Once again, open the Charms menu and select the option for Search. Type cmd in the search box and press the Enter key to open the Command Prompt on the device.

In the command line, enter ip config and hit the Enter key. Now, note the IP address that is listed under Ipv4.

Once you have received the IP address, install the application of the Remote Desktop on the other computer that you will be using. After the installation process is complete, open up the program and click on the Plus sign that is located at the top right corner of the window in order to add the Windows 8 device to the list. Provide the required details in the page that follows up and enter the IP address in order to connect to the device at once.

The given guidelines are quite enough to help you in getting remote access to your Windows 8 or a Windows 8.1 device.

This is one feature which comes handy a number of times at home or when away for work. How many times have we come across a crisis when we have forgotten a file on our PC and how we badly miss it at a presentation? Thus, it is vital to have a remote desktop access enable for your device that could prove to be helpful during important tasks.

Author Bio: Donna Spencer has been working in the IT industry for over 10 years. She often writes reviews and guest posts on remote control software to help businesses realize the potential and benefits of software.

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