The recently launched Nokia’s first Android phone, the Nokia X runs on a fully customized Android Jelly Bean OS (AOSP v4.1.2). Nokia has fully customized the Android OS. They have stripped out everything Google from the phone and replaced them with Microsoft services and Nokia apps.



You can install android apps by sideloading APK files on Nokia X phone, but Nokia has mentioned that only 75% of current Android apps run on Nokia X software platform without any modification, 25% apps requires little retouch. Here is how to check if an apk file compatible with Nokia X Android phone.

Nokia has created a web service to check if your Android app is compatible, or not with Nokia X platform. To check the compatibility, just visit this page-

Drag and drop or click and select an apk file from your PC that you want to test. The service will upload the APK and check for compatibility. Once the process is completing you will get the report.


Please note that, the service is meant for app developers, however, anyone can make use of it to check compatibility of apk files downloaded from third-party sources like XDA.

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.