OmniROM is said to be releasing a new Android ROM with custom hotword detection feature. It allows users to define custom hotwords that can be used while on the home screen. For example, you can say, “call X” to call Mr. X or just say “launch camera” to launch camera and like that. If you are interested, now you can implement this feature on any phone with OmniROM Launcher – no root required.

You can install OmniROM Launcher on any phone running on Android 4.4 KitKat. Two main features of this KitKat based launcher is its support for custom icon packs and custom hotword detection. Here is how to install and use OmniROM Launcher.


Download the launcher apk (download the apk from source link given at the end of this post) and install it. Once installed, long press on the home button, select “Launcher 3”, and make it your default launcher.


Now, long press on the home screen and select settings option. From the settings menu, you can define rows and columns for the home screen, select icon packs you have installed and enable/disable hotword detection recognition feature.

How to define a hotword?

To define custom hotword to trigger an action, tap on “Customize hotwords” option, then tap “Add new hotword”, enter a hotword and select an action. You can create as many custom hotwords as you would like.


The working of custom hotword detection is excellent (required internet access). Like Google’s voice search, you don’t need to say the magic word “OK Google,” followed by the trigger word, you only have to say your custom defined hotword. (source)

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.