Earlier this month, LG revealed its flagship phone LG G2. Runs on Android 4.2.2, this high-end smartphone features a 5.2-inch 1080 HD IPS+ display, 2.26 GHz quad-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 800, 2GB RAM, 13-megapixel camera with OIS, 3,000 mAh battery, 16/32GB storage options, and more. A unique feature of this device is that it places the volume control buttons on the back of the device.



As you all know, rooting your phone enables a wider choice of apps and utilities to be installed. Gaining root access to the LG G2 is simple, but requires extra care and should be backed up your phone data either to your PC or to SD card. Also, keep in mind that the process will void your device’s warranty.

Prerequisites: Your LG G2 should be on stock Android 4.2.2, LG G2 drivers installed, LG G2 Root package (download from here) and USB Debugging enabled on your phone.

Disclaimer: Do below guide at your own risk. We will not take any responsibility for any damage to your device caused by it. Also, do not forget to back up your device before rooting.


– Extract the downloaded LG G2 Root package file to your computer.

– Make sure you have enabled “Unknown Sources” option ( it is needed for installing non-Play Store apps) enabled in your phone by going to “Settings” and then “Application Settings”.

– Connect your device to the computer via USB cable while the phone is powered on.

– Now, go to the folder you have just extracted the LG G2 Root package and double click on Root LG G2.exe.

– Follow the on screen instructions and press any key to continue. Finally, complete the process to install busybox and superuser. Then reboot your device once the script finishes execution.

Now you have successfully rooted your LG G2. Start having your way with your phone!

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.