The recently launched HTC One M8 is full of specs both hardware and software basis. It powers a 2.3 GHz quad-core Snapdragon 801 processor along with 2 GB RAM, has a full HD 1080p 5 inch display, 16/32 GB internal storage options (expand up to 128GB via MicrosSD card), runs on the latest Android 4.4 KitKat OS, features HTC Sense 6 UI, UFocus, Blink Feed, Zoe, Motion launch, Boom Sound and more.



You can really feel that the HTC One M8 responds to your commands better than many other Android phones. Besides that, the handset has a “High Performance Mode” to boost its performance further, however it comes at a cost. The “High Performance Mode” maximizes the CPU performance, which means requires more power, so will drain the battery more quickly.

How to enable high performance mode in HTC One M8?

1. The “High Performance Mode” is a hidden option. To access it you need to enable the developer options on your HTC One M8. To do so, open the “Settings” menu, scroll down and tap on ‘About‘.

2. In ‘About” menu, tap ‘Software information’ and then tap ‘More’ option.

3. Under ‘More’ option you should see the ‘Build number‘ section. Tap on it several times (six times) and you should get a message that says ‘You are now a developer’

4. Now, go back to the ‘Settings’ menu and tap on the new option ‘Developer Options‘.

5. In Developer Options menu, you will see the “High Performance Mode”. Check the box to switch it on.


Now you should get a confirmation massage saying “running High performance mode maximizes CPU performance and consumes a lot of power. To prolong battery life, turn off High performance mode when you don’t need it”. (source)

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.