Ubuntu One, the popular personal cloud storage for Ubuntu operating system can now be accessed from Windows with ‘Ubuntu One for Windows’ tool. The main benefit of this tool is that, now it is possible to access your files across these two platforms, for example, at work from Windows PC and at home from your Ubuntu. Ubuntu One offers 5 GB of free personal storage space where you can store and sync your files, photos, videos and music.

Ubuntu One for Windows is a free desktop client for Ubuntu One Cloud storage and easy to use. Just install it, create an Ubuntu One Free account, if you do not have one and you will get 5 GB of free storage space.


Once you are done, you can access your files from your desktop, from the web, or from your mobile device and from anywhere. For that, just select which folders you want to sync to your personal cloud by adding them to the sync list.

If you are looking for an easy to use, free personal cloud storage for back up, sync and access your files, folders, photos and music from anywhere, Ubuntu One is a best option.

Ubuntu One for Windows works with Windows 7, Vista and XP. You can download it from its home page.

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.