Recently, Samsung unveiled the world’s first curved display smartphone called Galaxy Round. LG have also just unveiled their curved smartphone and named it as LG G Flex. Both Galaxy Round and G Flex have several differences in spec, shape and features. Here are them.



Screen & Shape: The biggest and most notable difference between Galaxy Round and G Flex is their uniqueness of design. While the Galaxy Round is curved from side to side, the G Flex has a curve from top to bottom. It is said that G Flex’s horizontal curved screen can give better experience and a more comfortable viewing angle for watching videos or playing games.

Screen Size & Resolution: The Samsung Round has a 5.7-inch Super Flexible AMOLED 1920 x 1080 Full HD display with 386 ppi, while LG’s G Flex has a 6-inche P-OLED 1280 x 720 HD display with 245ppi.

Size & weight: The Round measures 151.1 x 79.6 x 7.9mm and weigh 154g. The Flex measures 160.5 x 81.6 x 7.9 – 8.7mm and weigh 177g.

Processor: Both Galaxy Round and G Flex and feature a 2.3GHz quad-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 chipset and Adreno 300 graphics. However, in the case of RAM, while Round offers 3GB, G Flex offers only 2GB RAM.

Battery: While Galaxy Round’s is packed with 2,800mAh battery, G Flex has a big 3,500mAh battery.

Camera: Both the device features a 13-megapixel rear camera and a 2-megapixel front-facing camera.

Conclusion: While LG G Flex offers bigger screen, bigger power and horizontal curved screen for better viewing angle, Galaxy Round offers better screen resolution with smaller size, more RAM and vertical curved screen.

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.