Along with the latest TouchWiz Nature UX 2.0 on the Galaxy S4, Samsung has also made a change to the Settings menu layout in Galaxy S4. Samsung has separated the settings function into multiple tabs to help users find their way quite easily. Here is how to bring the same layout to any phone running Froyo to Jelly Bean.

GalaxyS4 Settings is a free application and as its name suggests it brings Galaxy S4’s Settings menu interface to all android phones, even on the old Froyo. As the settings functions are grouped into different tabs, finding a function can be much simple.



Installation and setting up the app is quite simple. After installation (no root required), go to the app drawer and run the app to get the new settings menu. Of course, the app does not replace the real settings menu of the phone.

GalaxyS4 Settings app is completely free (no ads) and can be downloaded from Play Store.

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.