Phone call recording isn’t a feature of every smartphone. Some Android phones have a built-in call recorder, but it will disable in countries where call recording is illegal. There are plenty of apps on the Google Play store to bring the call recording feature on Android.

Here is a list of top 6 call-recording apps for Android phones. Depending on the phone make, Android version, and root privilege, only a few apps work as expected. If you have tried many apps to get the call-recording feature on your Android phone but disappointed with the result, try any of the call-recording app given here.


Top 6 call recording apps for Android in 2020:

  1. Cube ACR
  2. Boldbeast Call Recorder
  3. Truecaller
  4. Call Recorder Automatic
  5. Call Recorder S9
  6. HD Auto Call Recorder 2020

Cube ACR: This is one of the best apps for recording phone calls and works well even on Android 10. It records regular phone calls, VoIP calls, and WhatsApp calls. The app automatically records your incoming and outgoing phone calls and supports many smartphones.

Cube ACR call-recording
Cube ACR call recorder

Boldbeast Call Recorder: This is one of the best, ad-free call recording apps. It supports Android 5.0 and above devices. The call recording works fine on most phones, but a few phones require root access to get a successful result.

Boldbeast call recorder

Call Recorder Automatic: This automatic call recorder app offers the option to choose which users or incoming and outgoing phone calls to record.

Automatic call recorder
Automatic call recorder

Call Recorder S9: This is another app with several features for automatic call recording. This app is optimized for Samsung Galaxy S9 and S9 Plus, but it will also work on other phones.

Call recorder optimized for Samsung Galaxy S9
Call recorder optimized for Samsung Galaxy S9

HD Auto Call Recorder 2020: This is one of the easy to use, free, call-recording apps with automatic recording feature. The app also offers password protection for recorded calls.

Call recorder hd
Call recorder hd

Truecaller: Most of you might have known about this caller ID and spam call blocker app. The app has a call-recording feature, but it requires Android 8 or lower Android versions.


NB: Recording phone calls may not be legal in your country. Before adding phone call recording functionality in your phone, check it is legal in your country.

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.