Microsoft has updated its launcher for Android called ‘Microsoft Launcher’ to version 4.7 through the beta channel. This new update offers several new customizing features to users like custom daily wallpapers along with Bing daily wallpaper, wallpaper scrolling, badge notification, lock screen calendar notification, several UI enhancements, and more.

Microsoft Launcher is one of the best launchers for Android. It is completely free, simple, fast and handy for those who want things done fast on their Android phone. Also, it consumes very less memory and less battery.


Microsoft Launcher

What’s new in Microsoft Launcher 4.7 beta?

– Daily Custom Background: Get a daily background not only from Bing but now from your own custom set of wallpaper.
– Set your wallpaper to be scrollable.
– Badge notifications: Control app notification badges for specific apps.
– Lock screen calendar notifications.
– UI adjustments.
– Simplified long-press app context menu.
– Supports both move & clone when moving apps in app drawer to from a folder.

I have been using this launcher quite a long time now. In my experience it is pretty simple, good and user friendly. It will not eat up battery and memory like some other launchers.

Microsoft launcher for Android

The launcher also features ‘Continue on PC’ (allows opening photos, docs and web pages on Windows 10 PC from Android phone), Bing search, Wunderlist, Microsoft Office and more (require Microsoft account).

If you are interested you can download latest stable version of Microsoft Launcher from Play store here.

If you want to try out new features right away, then you need to become a beta tester. Go here and register for the beta.

Note: If you would like to try the new Google Pixel Launcher from Android P, then go here, download and install it.

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.