If you are a Samsung Galaxy S4 user, you might have already known its “Quick Glance” feature. This feature lets you preview the time, date, notifications and other details with a simple hand gesture. You do not need to unlock the phone to view time and notifications, instead, just hover your hand across the screen. Now you can make this feature even better with a simple app called Glance Notifications.

Glance Notifications is a very simple app that starts Galaxy S4’s Quick Glance every time you receive a notification. This feature is also available on Samsung’s other high-end Android devices such as Notes 2, Note 3 and Galaxy S5.



Working of this app is simple. Once installed, just activate the app by touching the “Enable / disable service” button from the notification panel. Keep in mind that the app only supports Samsung stock firmware and devices with AirGesture feature.

Please note that, this is a very basic, testing version. Currently there is no option to choose which apps can display notification. The developer will add filter options in the future development.

You can download the app from XDA for free.

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.


  1. You can download it free from the source link given at the end of the post (scroll down to see the attached file).

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