Along with features like Infinity display and Full Vision display, the recently launched Samsung Galaxy S8 and LG G6 have also features rounded display corners. The rounded displays corners give a new look to the smartphone. You can replicate the rounded display corners on any Android phone without affecting your screen real estate. There are 4 apps to try out now. If you are interested, look into them below.

You can bring Galaxy S8 or LG G6 style rounded display corners on any of your Android phone without root access. We have tested 4 apps, which are free (but contain ads), and all are provided almost equal result. However, the first two given better result. Installing and configuring all apps are also simple. Check out the list and their features.



1. We start from Rounded Corner (Play store link) app. The app is most customizable and free. It offers many settings like corner radius adjustment, corner color (we prefer black color), as well as specifying which corners to enable you to round.

2. Cornerfly (Play store link) is one of the most popular apps that enable Galaxy S8 or LG G6’s like rounded corners on your Android phone. You can configure this app to make your Android phone’s screen looks exactly like Galaxy S8 or LG G6’s display with rounded corners.

3. Edge Mask – S8 rounded corners (Play store link) is an another alternative for bringing rounded corners.

4. Round Corners (Play store link) is another alternative that can round the corners of your display regardless of the device you are using.

Note: All apps contain ads and some offers in-app purchases.

Note that, actually, these apps applies a black color overlay to each corner of the display, which turns your phone display look like Galaxy S8 or LG G6’s rounded display corners.

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.