Motorola has updated Motorola Assist and Motorola Contextual Service by adding Driving and Home Assist on Moto G and Moto E. Until now, only Sleeping and Meeting assist are available on Moto G and E, but the new update added the Driving and Home mode assist as well.

For your information, Assist is an exclusive app for Motorola devices, which is designed to assist you when you are driving, sleeping and attending a meeting. Driving assist identifies you are driving and helps you stay focused on the road, while Home mode identifies you are at home and let you know who is calling.



Motorola Assist works quietly in the background and as per your configuration, it can silence calls during meetings or when it is time for bed. By setting actions and exceptions, you can make it work exactly how you want them to.

Motorola Assist can be download from Play Store

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.