Google has launched the Android 12 Beta 5 with several bug fixes and improvements. This final beta release has also added new features, such as the universal search bar in the Pixel Launcher, the Private Compute Core privacy settings, and the new Live Space widget. One of the main changes in this final beta release is redesigned Clock and Calculator apps. Both apps now follow the new Material You design and have a beautiful UI.
Google Calculator app (v8.0) and Google Clock app (v7.0) in Android 12 (beta 5) have a refreshing look and follow the Material You design language. Now, the user interface of both apps will change with the color of the wallpaper you choose. The redesigned UI elements in Google Calculator and Clock bring a stunning look.
Google Calculator 8.0 and Clock 7.0 apps are available for download. You can sideload both apps on phones that run on older Android versions to test the new features. Of course, you will need Android 12 to work the Material You theme (change apps UI colors based on the wallpaper), but you can enjoy all other new UI elements on older Android versions.
Download Google Calculator and Clock apps with Material You Design
If you want to test out the latest version of Google Calculator and Google Clock app, download them from APK Mirror to your phone. Download Calculator app APK (link) and Clock app APK (link), and after downloading the files, install them manually.
What is new in Android 12?
Note that Android 12 Beta 5 is the last beta release, and the stable release is expecting later this month. The final beta version includes near-final system images for supported devices with various fixes, final APIs for Android 12, the latest system behaviors, and more. Here are the main features in Android 12.
Material You Design – It is the new colorful and personalized design language for Android. The new color theme will color every element in Android 12, and it will change based on the wallpaper you choose.
Privacy dashboard – It lets users see apps that access sensitive permissions on their phones for the last 24 hours. With it, you will know which apps are using your location, microphone, and camera and how often.
Microphone & camera indicators – The new camera and microphone access indicator will help you to identify any app’s secret access to your camera and microphone.
Microphone & camera toggles – New toggles in Quick Settings let users instantly disable microphone and camera access for all apps.
Clipboard read notification – A toast alerts users when an app reads data from the clipboard unexpectedly.
Stretch Overscroll – A new Stretch Overscroll effect replaces the previous glow overscroll effect system wide.
App splash screens – Android 12 launches apps with a new splash screen animation.
Keygen changes – Several deprecated BouncyCastle cryptographic algorithms are removed in favor of Conscrypt versions. If your app uses a 512-bit key with AES, you’ll need to use one of the standard sizes supported by Conscrypt.
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