Google has released Android Auto with a split-screen layout for in-car displays. The new Android Auto split-screen layout also called the Coolwalk interface, lets users access other apps, such as the media player, or interact with the Google Assistant without hiding the Google Maps navigation window. The feature is currently available in Android Auto public beta (version 8.5.1245 beta).

Like the Apple CarPlay dashboard, Android Auto’s Coolwalk UI is a card-based interface. It is neater, more organized, and displays various information on the split-screen. The Maps card is the largest in the new layout and appears on the driver’s side. Other cards, such as media control, contacts card, etc., appears on the other side. And the recent apps icons appear at the center of the taskbar.

Android Auto with Split Screen UI

ALSO READ: How to Get GameSnacks Games on Android Auto Right Now

What are the New Features of Redesigned Android Auto?

  • The new split-screen interface offers more layout options on large-screen car head units.
  • It is easy to switch between recently used apps with just a tap on the icon on the rail (taskbar).
  • The media card has a new appearance that dynamically expands and contracts.
  • Swiping the media card brings Google Assistant recommendations for music and other media.

How to Get Android Auto With Split-Screen Interface?

The Android Auto with the split-screen redesign (v8.5.1245 beta) is now available for users who have joined for the beta testing. As of this writing, the beta channel is closed to new sign-ups.

However, you can download the Android Auto 8.5.1245 beta APK (link) and sideload it on your phone to use the feature. However, the Coolwalk UI will be a server-side update, so you may wait to get this feature on your device.

Google will release Android Auto 8.5 stable version with the redesigned split-screen interface soon. And it will support all screen sizes. If you cannot wait for the regular channel update, you can test the new features by sideloading the Android Auto beta APK file.

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.