You should have a different password for every online account you have. Because it’s so tough to remember all those passwords, you should use a reliable password management software. The security vendor Symantec has just released a cloud based password management software called Norton Identity Safe that lets you quickly and securely log in to your favorite sites from computers and mobile devices from anywhere you go.



Norton Identity Safe (currently beta) works on Windows, iOS, and Android devices and supports all the major browsers including Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, and Safari.

It can securely handle all your login name and passwords for multiple services, as well as your credit card details, and web form information. Each of your login information is protected using a single master password and listed along with a thumbnail, so can easily identify and access each of your account in one click. Moreover, you can also setup specific sites to login automatically.

Norton Identity Safe also has safe search protection. It lets you know if a site is safe or not before you visit it, which is quite useful if you browse through URLs find on email and social networks. In addition, it warns you of and blocks malicious sites.

Note: if you have Norton Internet Security or Norton 360, you already have Norton Identity Safe installed, no need to install it separately.

Norton Identity Safe can be downloaded (19MB) for free from here.

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.