BitDefender Uninstall Tool is an official utility for completely removing BitDefender from a computer. Because of certain reasons, sometimes it is difficult to uninstall antivirus software from a computer using Windows add/remove program. It left registry entries and won’t allow installing other antivirus program.
If you are facing any problem in uninstalling BitDefender Antivirus from your Computer, you can use BitDefender Uninstall tool to completely remove BitDefender antivirus from your computer.
BitDefender Uninstall can be downloaded from here (2.2Mb). This tool can be used for both 32 bit and 64 bit operating systems.
Welcome mate and thanks for seeing here after quite a long time!
😀 I have just installed BitDifender.. Don’t wont to remove it yet. But i’ll keep this in mind, just in case! Anyway.. thanks for the post mate 😀