Xiaomi Mi A2 and Mi A2 Lite were launched in July 2018 as a successor to last year Mi A1. Released under the Android One program, both handsets has a beautiful design and comes packed with good hardware specifications. Though not yet available for purchase globally (come August 8), Mi A2 and Mi A2 Lite received August 2018 security update. In addition, Xiaomi has made available stock firmware for download.

Runs on Android 8.1 Oreo, Mi A2 and Mi A2 Lite will get monthly security patch updates as well as the upcoming Android P update, thanks to the Android One program. The August security update will improve security of the handsets and fixes bugs. The update will also improve the stability and optimize the performance of the device.




The Mi A2 comes with a 5.99 – inch FHD+, 18:9 full screen and beautiful design. The handset powers by Snapdragon 660 processor and it comes with 4GB/6GB of RAM options. The available storage options are 32 GB, 64GB and 128 GB. Regarding the camera, the Mi A2 packs a 12MP + 20MP dual camera on the rear and a 20MP AI Camera on the front for selfies. A 3010mAh non-removable battery powers the handset.

The Mi A2 Lite comes with notched design and 5.84 –inch FHD+ display. It comes packed with Snapdragon 625 processor, 3GB/4GB RAM options, 32GB/64GB storage options, 12MP + 5MP dual cameras for back and 5MP for front camera. A 4000mAh battery powers the handset.

Comes to the August 2018 security update, Official full ROM package is now available for both Mi A2 (code- named jasmine) and Mi A2 Lite (code-named daisy). You can download Global stable ROM for Mi A2 (V9.6.9.0.ODIMIFE) from here and for Mi A2 Lite (V9.6.4.0.ODLMIFF) from here.

The installation procedure is same with the Mi A1 and you should first unlock the bootloader of the device to install the Fastboot ROM. Suggest to backup data before starting the software update

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.