Opera Software has released final version of its browser Opera 15 with new features such as Stash, Off-Road mode, enhanced speed dial, combined search and address bar as in Chrome and a completely refurbished interface.



As you may know, recently Opera dropped its JavaScript engine “Presto” and moved to the WebKit rendering engine of Chrome, putting it alongside the likes of Chrome in terms of its speed, accuracy and functionality. The latest Opera browser (Opera 15) is based on this engine (Chromium).

Below are some of the new features in Opera 15

– An enhanced Speed Dial helps you organize your most viewed sites.
– Stash saves pages for reading at a later time.
– Discover recommends headlines you might like.
– Off-Road mode compresses data to speed up browsing on slow connections.
– A combined search and address bar lets you filter predictive results by search engine.

The new Opera has a completely refurbished interface that blends with your OS. Now the search and address bar has combined as in Chrome and the enhanced Speed Dial groups your top-visited sites directly on a custom start page.

Discover and Stash is the two new features of the browser. While Discover lets you view news and other things from around the world, Stash lets you capture pages with a single click and build up a collection of pages for easy viewing. You can search for words and zoom in and out for easy reading.

Another feature is Off-Road mode, which is a rebranded Opera Turbo Mode, but has an added support for Google SPDY (a networking protocol that’s designed to reduce page load time). If enabled, it compresses pages for faster, all-conditions browsing. It helps you stay online when your connection slows down.

You can download Opera for Windows and Mac from here.

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.