Though not yet confirmed, the latest rumors reveal that the upcoming Android N will have a new on-screen navigation bar with redesigned home button. The home button on the leaked navigation bar will have four different color accents in its edges, which brings a different shape to the button, instead of the circle shape. Whether you like it or not, you can get the Android N leaked navigation bar right now on your phone.

N Nav Bar brings leaked Android N leaked navigation bar to any phone that support CM theme engine. The app replaces the on-screen navigation bar on your phone with the newly designed navigation bar from Android N. N Nav Bar is a free download on Play store that support custom ROMs like CyanogenMod, Paranoid Android or AOKP with theme engine in it.



How to install N Nav Bar

Installation of N Nav Bar is simple. It requires CyanogenMod 12/13, Paranoid Android, AOKP, or any custom ROM with CM theme engine built-in on the phone.

Download the app from Play store [HERE] and install it. Once installed, go to go to phone settings, select themes option and choose the N Nav Bar that you just installed.

About Android N’s redesigned home button: As I told above, the redesigned home button on the Nav bar features four color accents (red, green, blue, and yellow) around its edges. It is unclear what these four-color edges represent for, but it will give a new look to the onscreen navigation bar.

Note that the redesigned onscreen home button for Android N not yet confirmed. The above shown screenshot is not an actual screenshot of the redesigned navigation; it is just a restoration of the upcoming nav bar of Android N.

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.