Google just updated its Google Drive app on Android and iOS with new features. Now you can edit Google documents with in the app, view presentation, add comments and organize your stuff while you are on the move. The updated Google Drive app for iOS (version 1.1.0) lets you create and edit documents on your iPhone or iPad (which is already available in Android app) and just like on your Mac or PC, you can view your friends edits instantly as they are made.

In addition to the above new features, you can now view Google presentations on your iPhone or iPad, including speaker notes, full-screen mode along with the ability to swipe between slides.


Besides, you can also create new folders, move files into folders and upload stuff (like photos and videos) from your device directly in the Drive app.


With the new Android Drive app (version, you can add comments, reply to existing comments and view tables in your Google documents. Also, you will have the same new abilities to view presentations and organize your stuff as your friends with iPhones do.

And what is next? Google is planning to add more new features to the Drive app, including native editing and real-time collaboration for Google spreadsheets, which will be implemented in the near future. [Via]


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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.