Apple launched the next generation iPad Pro (2022) with the flagship M2 chip. Available in 11-inch and 12.9-inch models, iPad Pro M2 supports Wi-Fi 6, 5G, Magic Keyboard, Apple Pencil 2nd Gen, and more. And the new 8-core M2 CPU brings ultra-fast performance. Here are the wallpapers download, specifications, features, and price of the iPad Pro (2022 edition).

Advanced displays, superfast wireless connectivity, the next-level Apple Pencil capabilities, powerful new features in iPadOS 16, and the powerful M2 8-core CPU bring the ultimate iPad experience. The new iPad Pro M2 features new wallpapers, which you can download for your device.

iPad Pro M2 (2022)

ALSO READ: Apple iPad 10 (2022) Wallpapers Download, Specs, Features and Price

iPad Pro (2022) Specs, Features, and Price

The 11-inch iPad Pro M2 features a Liquid Retina IPS display, 2388×1668 pixel resolution, Fingerprint-resistant oleophobic coating, and Apple Pencil (2nd generation) support.

The 12.9-inch iPad Pro M2 features the Liquid Retina XDR IPS display, 2732×2048-pixel resolution, Fingerprint-resistant oleophobic coating, and Apple Pencil (2nd generation) support.

Both devices feature a 12MP+10MP pro camera system on the back and a 12MP ultra-wide TrueDepth camera on the front.

The iPad Pro M2 variants feature the powerful Apple M2 8-core CPU and Apple 10-core graphics GPU. The devices will be available in 128GB/256GB/512GB/1TB/2TB storage and 8GB/16GB RAM options

The 11-inch Pro variant comes with a 28.65 Wh rechargeable lithium?polymer battery, while the 12.9-inch Pro variant comes with a 40.88 Wh rechargeable lithium?polymer battery.

Fingerprint (top-mounted), the latest iPadOS 16, Apple Pencil (2nd generation) support, Apple Magic Keyboard compatibility, 5G support, Wi-Fi 6 support, etc., are other features of iPad Pro 2022.

The 11-inch iPad Pro M2 Wi-Fi models are available with a starting price of INR 81900, and Wi-Fi + Cellular models start at INR 96900 in India.

The 12.9-inch iPad Pro M2 Wi-Fi models are available with a starting price of INR 112900, and Wi-Fi + Cellular models start at INR 127900 in India.

Download iPad Pro 2022 Wallpapers

iPad Pro M2 (2022) wallpapers preview
iPad Pro M2 (2022) wallpapers preview

If you like the iPad Pro 2022 wallpapers, you can download them from the link below. The zip file contains two wallpapers in high resolution, which you can use on your tablet.

Download Wallpapers (Gdrive)

After downloading the wallpaper zip file, unzip it using a file explorer app. Check our wallpaper download section for more wallpapers.

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Ishanvi is the content writer for She loves to share her knowledge with others through blogging.