Google released the Android P Beta 3 (Developer Preview 4) for supported Pixel devices with some significant changes and fixes. This is the last Developer Preview release of the OS before Google releases the final version (Android 9.0) to the public. The final version of Android P (Android 9.0) probably will release later this summer.

Android P Beta 3 does not include any major changes. This build mainly focuses on bug fixing and system stability optimizations. It means the update is almost stable and bug free, so anyone can tryout the OS right now, though it is primarily meant for developers. This build also includes the July 2018 security updates and the final APIs.


Android P

“Android P Beta 3 system images for Pixel devices and the Android Emulator, as well as an update to the Android Studio build tools to include D8 as an independent tool. Beta 3 is an early release candidate build of Android with near-final system behaviors and the official Android P APIs (API level 28)”.

With the Beta 3 system images and updated build tools, app developers can test their apps with Android P features like multi-camera support, display cutout, enhanced notifications, ImageDecoder, TextClassifier, and many others.

The Android P Developer Preview is available for Pixel, Pixel XL, Pixel 2 and Pixel 2XL devices and the Android Emulator. Android Beta enrolled devices will automatically update to the official version of Android P.

Download Android P Beta 3 OTA/ Factory Images

– Pixel – Factory ImageOTA

– Pixel XL – Factory ImageOTA

– Pixel 2 – Factory ImageOTA

– Pixel 2 XL – Factory ImageOTA

Installation Guide:

After downloading the required file, you may follow this step-by-step guide to install the build on your device manually. Before you begin, you should take the necessary steps to ensure all your data is backed up. [Source]

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.