Samsung has officially announced its next flagship device, the Galaxy S5 at the Samsung Unpacked event at the 2014 MWC. Though this device has not much deference from its predecessor Galaxy S4 in terms of screen size, resolution, storage, memory, etc. it does brings a number of new features to the device.

galaxy s5


The Galaxy S5 is slightly bigger than the S4 (5.1” FHD Super AMOLED). It has a water and dust resistant body, built-in heart-rate monitor, fingerprint scanner for tight security while using mobile payment and improved camera with 4K video recording.

The Galaxy S5 offers the most advanced LTE experience and Wi-Fi performance available today, ensuring blazing fast data speeds. Besides, it comes with Android 4.4 KitKat, the latest iteration of the OS and a new version of TouchWiz UI.

Let us look at top 6 features of Galaxy S5.

top 6 features of galaxy s5

The below table gives you an overview of what are the major differences between Galaxy S4 and the new Galaxy S5.

differences between s5 and s4

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.